strategy McAdams Group

Seo Strategies

Of course, we’ve got your SEO covered, with a full range of strategies aimed at pushing your website to the top of search engines where your audience will find you. Our comprehensive SEO approach encompasses research, content and back end technology—all working together to elevate your rankings.

Keyword Research

Our exhaustive research methods leave no keyword unturned. Using a combination of software and keyword group rankings, we identify the most relevant keywords for your site—often uncovering untapped opportunities for driving up your search engine rankings and visibility.

SEO Alignment

Using the raw data from our research, we develop an SEO plan that aligns with your business goals and that starts delivering results sooner rather than later.

multipronged SEO methodology

We maximize your SEO efforts with a multipronged approach. This approach includes on-page content that organically incorporates keywords from our research while providing a meaningful user experience and satisfying Google algorithms. 

We also employ backlinks from other relevant web pages, as well as localized SEO tactics like Google My Business listings for a quick rankings boost. On the backend, we address and resolve any technical issues that may be keeping Google from ranking you.


Areas of Focus


On-Page SEO

On-page content is the heart of any SEO initiative because, like Google, the content that you publish should be focused on providing the best information and user experience possible. Google’s algorithms exist to weed out content that humans do not want or need; therefore we focus on not simply appeasing software, but creating well-crafted content that is easy to use and understand.


Off-Page/Link Building

One of the most important factors that goes into ranking is backlinks. Backlinks are simply links to your website from other relevant pages. Google is focused on providing users with quality content. A mark of quality content is that it’s good enough to share, and backlinks are a key metric Google uses to gauge quality. 


Local SEO

If your business acquires clients locally, then there are unique ways to increase your reach. We utilize Google My Business in order to optimize your local business listing, whether you have one location or many. This can often be a faster way to begin ranking on Google, but require unique tactics to attain these results.

Case Study: Measurable Conversion (CRO) Results


From Organic Visitors to Qualified Leads

SEO Falls Short

Companies invest significantly in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to drive organic visitors to their websites. Google Analytics gives us some behavior hints, but visitors still bounce without a trace.
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CRO Strategies  (Finally SEO with ROI)

While other firms stop at SEO, at McAdams Group it’s only the start. After all, getting visitors to find and click on your site is great. But converting those visitors into leads is even better.

Active Visitors

CRO is all about getting your visitors to engage with your website and take a specific desired action. In many cases, that action includes providing a name and contact information in exchange for a valued asset or information.

optimized website

CRO doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Context is critical. And the context is the website. The website must be optimized for the customer journey. The following is a representational list of some of the initiates needed to ensure excellent CRO results:
       • Set up Google Analytics conversion tracking
       • Set up Heat Mapping to track user experience
       • Improve website content by answering unanswered questions, clear up uncertainties, and mitigate risk (putting         yourself in the mind of your web visitor)

lead magnets

Conversion rates are also directly influenced by the perceived value you offer your visitors. If you’re offering up something your visitors want and need, they’ll be more likely to give you their personal info to access it. At McAdams Group, we specialize in providing this type of strategic underpinnings and creating the content that leads to increased conversion. 

For example, a powerful conversion tool to consider are the addition of Lead Magnets on your home page or other high-traffic webpages.

Your Lead Magnet works to entice visitors to enter their names and email address in exchange for content or an asset they value—effectively converting that visitor into a lead. To work, the Lead Magnet must:
      • Address the pain point that brought your visitor to your site in the first place.
      • Focus on a single, specific and clear benefit that matters to your visitor.
      • Deliver instant gratification and immediate value for your visitor.
      • Link to a landing page where your visitor can download a useful asset such as a free guide in exchange for         sharing their name and email address.

Once they enter their contact info, they’re taken to a separate landing page to download the asset and learn more about your product or services. In the meantime, your sales team has a qualified lead they can now pursue.

Driving Results

While SEO is a longer-term strategy that takes time to generate results, when done well CRO can help you capture more leads, more quickly. Working together, SEO and CRO get you the clicks and the leads. We’re ready to show you how.